08 January 2020

It's as Important to Know Your Starting Point as Your Desired Destination

If a friend called you and asked, "What's the best way to get to New York?" you'd ask an obvious question: "Where are you starting from?" You might also discover how quickly the person needs to get there, and other details that will help formulate a meaningful answer.

Yet far too often in business, when someone asks, "How do I accomplish X?" we quickly jump into giving directions without knowing where the querying party has come from, or where they currently are in their journey (not to mention an assessment of provisions for the proposed trip, or whether the journey should be taken at all).

No strategy, plan, or initiative can be complete without assessing the genesis of the journey (including the reason behind it) along with the destination or desired outcome. Only then can we establish the way points, milestones, and steps that will most effectively guide us between these two points.

Here's a secret door just for my readers where you can get your free copy of "The Strategy Letter" that puts this truth into perspective in the big picture of creating winning strategies.