16 June 2015

3 Common Misconceptions About Business Breakthroughs

Too many business owners think breakthroughs in business are something that happen by chance, that are always off on a future horizon somewhere, or that happen rarely, if ever. These misconceptions keep the majority of companies from seeing ongoing, consistent breakthroughs as part of their culture. Here’s my experience with these three common misconceptions…

Misconception #1: Breakthroughs Can’t Be Engineered

This simply is not true. The notion that all we can do is try our best and hope we get where we want to go is not only incorrect, it can be detrimental to our success. Breakthroughs do not happen for the lucky, but for those who understand how to orchestrate them. Breakthroughs can—and must—be engineered and implemented if we are going to build our businesses in a state of ongoing, consistent growth and success.

Misconception #2: Breakthroughs Take a Long Time

If we’re always ramping up to a big breakthrough, but never seeing our plans come to fruition, we’ll lose momentum and our team members’ enthusiasm will diminish. This is a common problem. Breakthroughs do not take a long time when they are engineered and executed properly. Breakthroughs that may not have even been on our radar, or will take months to accomplish using traditional methods, can be uncovered and streamlined into rapid breakthroughs that bolster business and increase energy and morale among our teams.

Misconception #3: Breakthroughs Are Rare Events

In the best companies, breakthroughs are regular, planned events; not rare, happenstance occurrences. In fact, if we’re not experiencing meaningful breakthroughs regularly, we risk a change in culture that can take our colorful, energy-filled visions and turn them into lackluster, lethargic drudgeries. People need the renewing power of experiencing success to continue on a path of continual improvement. We do ourselves, our companies, and our team members a disservice when we fail to help each team member be a contributing partner in ongoing, meaningful breakthroughs.

So, how do we engineer and execute rapid, consistent breakthroughs?

Over the past 25 years, I’ve developed an approach to identifying root issues to problems (as well as next-phase growth opportunities), engineering attainable paths to meaningful solutions, and executing rapid breakthroughs that make money, reduce waste, improve quality, open doors to new opportunities, boost morale, and much more. I share my insights in regular Breakthrough Calls, by email, and other means of communication with my ‘Insiders.’ Join at no cost at bwpope.com. Just click the orange ‘Insider’ button on the right side of the page.

Want to engineer a breakthrough right now?

Do you have a vision of a breakthrough opportunity for your business you haven’t executed yet? Let’s talk. Our initial breakthrough session together is complimentary, and any ongoing engagement is by mutual consent. No pressure. No hype. Life’s too short for that. If experiencing consistent, business-building breakthroughs is something you’re interested in, email me at bwpope@bwpope.com and tell me you’d like to schedule a complimentary breakthrough session. For an investment of less than one hour, you’ll gain insights that will serve you well whether or not we continue to work together. (Please note, depending on scheduling availability, I reserve the right to cancel this offer at any time.)